Integration Guide
Theres one single eLOCKS contract, which is also the eLOCKS NFT. You create
an eLOCKS NFT using it. Each NFT represents ownership of an eLOCKER (a โlockerโ), which owns the underlying Assets (usually LP tokens), and controls things like adding more, extending locktimes, claiming rewards, etc.
The NFT is whats responsible for things like Transfers (which also mean transferring ownership of the underlying locker).
For Contracts / Solidity
hereโs is an example tx.
from your side, you would call this on the eLOCKS Contract
struct Referral { address agent; uint percent; } // percent is 1000 max = 100%
LockerRoom.createLockWithReferral( lp, amt, expiry, ref ) returns( address _locker, uint _nftid )
Example params:
{agent:0xYourAddr, percent:0.0025e18}
0.0025e18 means 0.025%, and 1e18 = 100%, the poertion of yield sent to the referrer. remaining goes to user/elocks nft holder
you can use any of these functions to create a lock function createLock(IPair _lp, uint _amt, uint _exp) external returns(IEqualocker _locker, uint _ID) ;
function createLockFor(IPair _lp, uint _amt, uint _exp, address _to) external returns(IEqualocker _locker, uint _ID);
๏ปฟ function createLockWithReferral(IPair _lp, uint _amt, uint _exp, IEqualocker.Referral memory _ref) external ;
function createLockWithReferralFor(IPair _lp, uint _amt, uint _exp, address _to, IEqualocker.Referral memory _ref) external returns(IEqualocker _locker, uint _ID) ;
For UI / web3 libraries (ethers.js, web3.js, viem.js,
eLOCKS is the NFT contract itself, and issues individual Lockers, one each per NFT, owned by that nftโs owner (nft is transferable).
- this address is the actual Locker that will hold the liquidity. reward claims should be made on this.
returns(_locker, _nftid)
- To claim rewrds (if whitelisted)
- To claim fees (if not wl)
- To check claimable rewards (EQUAL/other farm rewards if any), we have
function claimableRewards() public view returns(uint[] memory)
- To check claimable fees (the 2 tokens of the pool)
function claimableFees() public view returns(uint _cf0, uint _cf1)
- To get the Locker address of a NFT id, do
- To get total locked in a locker,
(these are LP tokens, can be in gauge or not) - To unlock a lock after expiry,
it would be the same process in your node webapp, here using ethers v5
LockerRoom = new ethers.Contract(eLOCKSaddress,["function createLockWithRefferal(address,uint,uint,{agent:address,percent:uint})" external returns(address,uint)],signer);
let _tr = await LockerRoom.createLockWithReferral( lpaddr, amount, expiry, {agent:0xBasedTreasury, percent:0.003e18});
let _tx = await _tr.wait();
console.log("New lock": _tx.topics[0]);
- the return topics event contains details about your new LOCKERโs address and its NFT/locker ID
- (0.003e18 meaning 0.3% of trade fees will go to you, rest to user
- max you can take 98.7% of the trade fees (percent:0.98663e18).
- once the lock is created, the referral stuff cannot be changed, its immutable.
- We recommend explicitly showing the Referral Fees you are going to take before a user makes their elock on your site for full transparency.