Benefits to ecosystem

There are quite a few things that Guru Network brings to the table:

Permanent Bribes

The elRETRO protocol has a dedicated 80% of itโ€™s net yield for Bribing the stakeholders of Retro DEXโ€Š-โ€Šthe veRETRO holders.

With elRETRO whitelisted, Retro will gain a permanent briber who is guaranteed to bribe in each and every epoch, irrespective of the market conditions.

elRETRO Volume = MATIC paid to Retroโ€™s Voters

Since elRETROโ€™s core pool is with WMATIC, the trading volume that takes place will pay the voters with MATIC & elRETRO. And this volume is guaranteed by the Kompound Protocol.

โ€˜Fair Tokenomicsโ€™ offering infinite scalability

Unlike generic tokens, the supply of elRETRO is not controlled by anyone. It can scale as much as RETRO itself. There are no โ€œteam tokensโ€ or โ€œVC Sharesโ€ , and elRETRO can be minted at will by any RETRO or veRETRO holder, permissionlessly.

Extending the options for veRETRO

elRETRO opens us the conduit for making the Locked veRETRO position liquid again. It also relieves the user from the burden of claiming multiple tokens from bribes & trader-fees and subsidises the gas costs by socializing it.

For new users, it offers a no-commitment exposure to the Retro Economy. elRETRO brings purely Real Yield with it, befitting the Solidly approach.

More liquidity on the Retro books

elRETRO/MATIC pool will bring in another liquidity pool to Retro which is guaranteed to generate consistent trade volume, thanks to the ielRETRO Granary.

The Solidly Experience

Guru Network is the oldest protocol using Solidly. We were the creators of the first solidly gauge on the testnet after Andre & team, and have been quite active in its testing, continuously taking part in improving the Solidly codebase with pulls & its economic model throughout its life & birth. Our token ELITE on Fantom has been participating in the SolidlyWars right from the First Epoch last winter. Today we own nearly 2% of Solidlyโ€™s circulating supply on Ethereum and have been actively suggesting code improvements to it. We are also the biggest non-partner protocol in itโ€™s governance race. We are more equitably involved with the Equalizer exchange, where we helped reshape many of its facets. Our Solidly Extended Router has been used by multiple Solidly forks & Aggregators to make their ecosystems inclusive to exotic tokens. An alliance with Guru Network greatly benefits Retro in the long run, as we are not here just for the yields, but for developing & mainting the actual Tech that furthers the Decentralization phenomenon.

And, Beginning of the Retro Wars

We are the first protocol in the governance race of outside of the 19 partners. We believe the whitelisting of elRETRO at Retro will encourage a lot more smaller and newer protocols to build unique products atop Retro and kickstart an era of collaborative building here.

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