Contract Addresses

ABcDeFx runs on multiple blockchain networks!


This is the core contract responsible for creating a โ€˜liquidity poolโ€™ for a โ€˜pairโ€™ of tokens. A โ€˜pairโ€™ can have multiple pools!

Blockchain NetworkContract Address
Fantom Opera0x8597db3ba8de6baadeda8cba4dac653e24a0e57b
Arbitrum One0x8597db3ba8de6baadeda8cba4dac653e24a0e57b


The Router contract is the main contract that someone should use to interact with E3.

Blockchain NetworkContract Address
Fantom Opera0xB9A64ab6b91F5c7a78c2360CfF759dE8a8a450d5
Arbitrum One0xB9A64ab6b91F5c7a78c2360CfF759dE8a8a450d5


The Quoter contract is a Helper contract to determine best path through multiple markets.

Blockchain NetworkContract Address
Fantom Opera0x0A129Ce42df82a5De2B4921883a56565bDF8E146
Arbitrum One0x0A129Ce42df82a5De2B4921883a56565bDF8E146


Contract AddressBlockchain NetworkContract Description
0x5a054233e59323e7a58f6b7dae86e6992f1f92e2Fantom OperaPosition Total
0x6Bd83D42C1F5F9ddc1a22fd817B3b074776d1190Fantom OperaLiquidity Amounts
0x1D33404C1cE98152260382dB2C6793430F7caB39Fantom OperaLiquidity Helper
0xc4c807aee35f75c891cb51ef982c98371b1362b4Arbitrum OnePosition Total
0xb62f6095f2afd00702fb79570c9f1aa730510fc4BasePosition Total

Legacy Contracts

E3 codebase is similar to Trader Joeโ€™s v2.1 , which built upon its v1 & v2.

v1 : Factory

This is the core contract responsible for creating a โ€˜liquidity poolโ€™ for a โ€˜pairโ€™ of tokens. A โ€˜pairโ€™ can have multiple pools!

Blockchain NetworkContract Address
Fantom Opera0xB4ec1c9BE6fB124b0a377cb0104CA9d5fC18c43f

v1 : Router

The Router contract is the main contract that someone should use to interact with E3.

Blockchain NetworkContract Address
Fantom Opera-

v2 : Factory

This is the core contract responsible for creating a โ€˜liquidity poolโ€™ for a โ€˜pairโ€™ of tokens. A โ€˜pairโ€™ can have multiple pools!

Blockchain NetworkContract Address
Fantom Opera0x1edde9c0886c9f9ea410cac81c7c59538ca6f5bd

v2 : Router

The Router contract is the main contract that someone should use to interact with E3.

Blockchain NetworkContract Address
Fantom Opera0x399bcf5b1be6575f3282030f785f378f5361818b

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